Friday, May 23, 2014

[EVS Life] "Big Volunteer Meeting" in Várpalota

After a busy and exhausting work week, we took the bus to spend a weekend in Várpalota in the Hungarian countryside. This break has been eagerly awaited!
This event was planned for two months, organised by the fourth volunteers of the youth center (read our article about our first visit there): they had created an event on Facebook to invite European volunteers from Hungary for two days of games, talks and discoveries.
 To participate in this weekend, we had to “apply” for it, completing a silly questionnaire about our blood group, our favorite superhero or our shoe size. Why not?

[EVS Project] We need YOUth!

Finally, here we are! As I said before, we worked on the creation of the survey for two months: one targets the young adults and the other one targets the companies.

Enfin, nous y voilà! Comme je le disais dans l’article précédent, cela fait pratiquement deux mois que nous travaillons sur l’élaboration de deux questionnaires: l’un est destiné aux jeunes et l’autre aux entreprises.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

[EVS Project] The survey is almost ready!

Brainstorming time! 

After one month of researches, structures and reflexion, the first step of our project can be launched. 

Après un mois de recherche, de construction et de réflexion, la première étape de notre projet peut être lancée. 

[EVS Life] Week-end "Castles tour"

Last Saturday, we went with other volunteers to Sissi’s castle in Gödöllő. You can find the building around 45 minutes from Budapest, if you take the HÉV (suburban railway).
After having a lunch together in a little restaurant, we bought our visit ticket. Inside the castle, pictures weren’t allowed. But once we were in the amazing garden, we could ask a Spanish couple to take a picture of our group. We finally finished the visit of the area on the run... because of the rain.

Samedi dernier, nous étions parties avec d’autres volontaires au château de campagne de Sissi l’impératrice, à Gödöllő. L’édifice se trouve à environ 45 minutes de Budapest (si on prend le train de banlieue).
Après avoir déjeuné ensemble dans un petit restaurant, nous avons acheté notre billet pour la visite. A l’intérieur du château, les photos étaient interdites. Mais une fois dans le superbe jardin, nous avons pu demander à un couple espagnol de prendre notre groupe en photo. Nous avons terminé de visiter le site en courant… sous la pluie.