Friday, September 26, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

[EVS Project] We are going to HVG Állásbörze!

Next week, on the 23rd and 24th of September, the biggest jobfair in Hungary named HVG Állásbörze will take place in Budapest.
We had already thought about going there with the MediaGo's staff, but it was hard to know exactly how we could take profit on this event.
Thanks to our coordinator, we have found out two main ideas:

Idea 1: involving young job-seekers in our project, making them putting a "Like" on our FB page.
Idea 2: going straight to the companies (or their HR leader) for interviewing them quickly.

Monday, September 8, 2014

[EVS Project] "About your expectations": our second interview

Last time we recorded our friends from Germany, Hungary and Spain for a video about the CV. Now we are working on the next topic: "What are your job expectations?".
So this time we've decided to involve new faces into the project, that's why we asked Elisa from Romania. We met her during our on-arrival training, she is an EVS volunteer as well and she is specialised in theatre.
She likes acting and even directing a team, then her point of view is very interesting: thanks to her, we've got new ideas of topics!

Monday, September 1, 2014

[EVS Project] Quotes from young European people

We had this great idea to illustrate the answers we've collected from the survey transforming them in "picture quotes". Now we can share young people's expectations or disappointments on Facebook and make them referring to our survey.
It would be a good thing if people accept to share their experiences as well!
