Wednesday, June 25, 2014

[EVS Project] Let's think together!

At the same time as our survey, we begin the qualitative phase of the project. It starts by the organisation of a brainstorming about the same theme, that is to say the youth employment.

En parallèle de notre questionnaire, nous commençons la phase qualitative du projet. Cette dernière débute par l’organisation d’un brainstorming autour du même thème, à savoir l’emploi des jeunes en général.

[EVS Life] About the video "Tell me about Europe, episode 1".

Parlez-moi d'Europe - Episode 1 by CRIJ-Haute-Normandie

My sending organisation named "CRIJ Haute-Normandie" asked me to create 4 videos about my life in Budapest as an EVS volunteer. During one month, I'm going to make 1 video per week and this serie is called "Parlez-moi d'Europe" ("Tell me about Europe").
This first one is about my arrival in Budapest, my routine, my workplace and my expectations. Sorry, the video is only available in French without subtitles... But if you want to understand it, take a look to this translation:

Monday, June 16, 2014

[EVS Life] 3 days in Warsaw!

For our first trip out of Hungary, we chose Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. Three days of walk with two volunteer friends, one German and one Latvian. We flew away from 7th to 9th of June, taking profit of the Monday off.

Friday, June 13, 2014

[EVS Project] What about the companies?

This week, the second step in our study started: we launched the survey about the companies.

La deuxième phase de notre étude commence cette semaine, avec le lancement du questionnaire pour les entreprises.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

[EVS Life] #happyEVS Part 2

The aim of our on-arrival training was to inform us about all questions referred to our EVS experience. Our trainers, Judith and Attila, helped us to think about the “why” and the “how” during those five days training.
The reflection sessions were interspersed with games to divert us and to get closer to each other.

[EVS Life] #happyEVS Part 1

The best volunteers!
After three months of fights to obtain some information from the Hungarian national agency, we finally took part in an on-arrival training. The main aims of this training are to meet the new volunteers freshly arrived in Hungary and to inform each volunteer of his rights and his responsibilities.

Après trois mois de lutte archanée pour obtenir des informations auprès de l’agence nationale hongroise, nous avons enfin pu effectuer notre “on-arrival” training. Le but de ce training est de rencontrer une partie des volontaires récemment arrivés en Hongrie et de nous informer de manière générale sur les droits et les responsabilités du volontaire.